Monday, September 7, 2015

Mind War

What for darkness to rupture through souls to bare evidence
of light. Its fluorescent an inner birth chided by life. I see a
war to alter mind numbing a sensorium slightly hebetated. 
How to multiply such wealth paragliding near hells? I
enquire to lose ground where to probe is to become. It’s
an agent to push for more where a soul becomes thirsty. So
we say yes to pleasures where we say no to discomforts;
wherefore a pleasure principle is in operation coupled with
Sartre’s understandings of emotions; but through resistance
a young man graduates through a journey of tribal rites.
Thus, we argue that tension is often healthy to unlock a
feature where warfare is perceived as a norm. One may argue
for justice where misconception has wrought said enquiry.
This is tricky, for if good is being fashioned than justice is
in play despite an emotional response. I’m sort of boxing us
in with this line of thought; but we deem justice as a feature
that promotes an obvious good. So war of mind is often a
positive to unravel features of self that dwell dormant.    

What does war feature to rotate a cycle through a slanted mind?
It’s a storm to follow a tornado where an upheaval takes
place. This pulling at roots bends to alter a state of
consciousness which lends itself to an inward state of madness
where articulation colors perception. Is she as if mad to tap
into said upheaval? Or is he slanted to feel, even tap into said
tornado? On my part, it’s rhetoric to ask such questions; for
one is not as if mad to function within internal features; but
this is war where features function for power in said vehicles.
This line of thought is more for awareness where a person
becomes through articulation of a storm surging within. It
isn’t war merely for life, for something is said to perish with
growth. This something is considered in this case an older
version of what has become; thus, something old passes
always where something new takes form. We see in this
memoir an allusion pointing to a hosts of features causing war
within a conscious agent. Said war is of great concern to one focused
on maximizing his or her potential. So at minimum something
long held as living is here touched upon where war is a constant
until familiarity becomes a norm. 

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