Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Dear Swan

I imagine a mind spinning through truths. To see has become
an urge, surging through intentions. It pinches soul to witness
for solutions, where pain subtracts initiative. To speak an
extant language is to feel closure; whereas, to speak an extinct
language is to feel ridiculed. So we speak of music, ever to
stream, swimming through tsunamis. Bolt for hinges, bathed
in sunlight, before personality splits a groove. This is more a
future, to maze through moments, speaking, “This is my cup.”
Knowledge is a tree with deep roots. Wisdom is a sky filled
with chorus; and Understanding is a web with multiple keys.
We watch for wild roots; but never to extract, but rather, to
cultivate; for mirrors plummet through our souls, ever to reach
our minds, surging through our presence. Collect that which is
good, ever to thirst for diamonds, musing upon koan pearls. We
often love without sight children that must pass through; thus,
we suffer the young children. Be equipped with this mindset;
mining for treasure troves, forgiving for the grace of peace; but
what for anger, a village of intensities, a freedom that comes
naturally. Feel to release; for such vibration bends a countenance,
ever to suffocate freedoms. We love for a love pure is design, a
human talisman, more than worthy of Divinity. 

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...