Tuesday, September 1, 2015


We watched a tern spin through winds in amazing color
ever to stir for dust particles a thin line. A wildcat
tore through a jungle to gnaw upon a mirage given life
through an image of reality where a parrot repeated
joyful cries. We shifted to muse upon vampire bats, to
sink into a world of darkness, painted by a set of red eyes.
Our hearts for webs surfed for an image of magpies spent
by beauty through a wealth of poses. There’s a core to
dwell within pixels, where an African lion comes to
motion, resting near a creed of lioness. We were sudden
to come across a masked owl to witness silent grace.
Such poise for presence to absorb from world to world;
where ants trail for elements to store for winter.  A deer
leaped for joy to entertain a brocket. Morning was gentle
this way, to explore a polar bear with cubs sliding down a
mountain of ice. They move with intention, fresh from
hibernation, to search for sustenance. Our journey would
come to a close while peering into a world of black swans.  

What Does Life Picture Itself?

    Life is rhythmic, full of patterns. Life requires measures. Life is often a tad bit uncomfortable, just enough to register on a radar. A...