Thursday, August 6, 2015

Swan Soul II

Be free to live, to flourish freely, a thirst for freedoms.
Become a force,
animated with features,
to woo an audience;
for life is measurements, a guild of puddings, to partake
We want for life:
its mystery, texture, and flame. So fly freely, a museum  of
prose, to explode on impact. Stay alert, warm for justice, to
flirt with dance and music. Live as vehicle, encharge of
arts, to give heated debates. Uncharge vice, to walk ceilings,
a catapult for joy. Possess science, to resolve conflict, a
relief to souls. In truth, court a demeanor, an air of ‘ologies,
where truths abound, featured in ethics, to appeal to life.
Be free to live, to weather pains, a wealth of algorithms; for
maze to flame, a touchstone for knowledge, to garner
freedoms. We want for life: a touch of concrete, colored with
abstracts. So live, a mind of galleries, a passage through a
forest; where deers leap, to nibble grapes, a tear to oak.    

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...