Friday, August 28, 2015

Memoir (Love & Loveless)

I’m wrung through, dripping wet, saturated with love; but still afraid, to give as yogis, to wrestle as mystics; for it’s hot for humid, to uplift Ka, where winter ensues. Is love a coop; are there negative aspects; to give, albeit, a sun has fallen? I’m found in ideals, to grapple reality, struggling to stay afloat; but yesterday, ever a heartbeat, even a flowing river, a personality aglow; where to awaken, for a radiant war, to persuade an entity. It’s unlikely; and one wrestles, found in silence, to oil a lamp.     To love the loveless: Is this not a miracle? Are we feeble to love, lost in strengths, confronted by a loveless foe; for to love one worthy of love, is not an extension of love; but to love one that shuns, and even disrespects love, this is a triumph of love. I’m a lost ideal; a churning guilt; where I wonder: What is there for the loveless? But all are worthy of love, even from us, despite hassles, and vicious nuances, Correct?     To complicate matters: What if one is plainly abusive? Is love then a program?     I invested in love, where a person lacked for love, in all of its expressions. It’s a vicious journey; a constant tug-of-war; decorated by abusive behavior.     I walked away, where love was undefined, screeching in the shadows.     Should one take abuse? If so, how much abuse? If the answer is no: Then is love longsuffering?     I venture to believe that we suffer freely if progress is being made. Of course, suffering is here related to emotional, as opposed to physical distress; albeit, emotional stress often takes a toll on the physical.     However, are we not in agreement that physical abuse is absolutely intolerable? I presume that the answer is yes, where many of us were of a different thought pattern at one point in time.     I speak of love for one that is against love, at least in action, unless the person in question is constantly on the receiving in, despite harmful implications.   One may be inclined to act sternly, where only resistance ensues. One may apply tough love, where anger is expressed verbally.     What is the breaking point?     Often we watch as a love one throws away an entire lifespan. Should we wait patiently? If not, how many years should we invest?       

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...