Friday, August 7, 2015

Faith (Memoir)

What for life, consumed with life, ever the scales of life. I want for sight, to witness fey, as she falls into a soul. Something pulls, to yearn for death, a person within a person. Not to submit is to wage war; but I want for raindrops, beaded upon petals, where a streak of mud colors perception. I want for valleys of experience, where apricots are relished in peace; but our world challenges such sentiments, through conflict, even open discrimination; thus, we fragment, even segregate, to live a hassled sense of peace. What if her eyes, cringe with blood, politically assailed? How to ignore such trauma? Moreover, what if he dies in segments, filled with faith, struggling to eat a morsel? What to give, for faith is principle, where lessons are futile; wherefore, a conscience soul aids in humility. I want to hassle, where patience, reason, and diligence serve the greater purpose. I speak to a deeper conflict, one bedded in struggle, where faith, belief, and spirituality are deemed as nonsensical. I appeal to a higher self; where one may assert that “I need not a spiritual discipline to explore the humanity of self.” To such a person, I would agree with a caveat; that is, albeit the one in question may engage in acts of charity, Is it the case that he or she harbors resentment, even disdain, for those that do likewise in the name of a deity? In addition, I would like to present the possibility that faith is a firmly established element of humanity. In the case of resentment for those that practice a given faith, this may be stirred by a deep resentment for manipulation, and self, followed by a deeper sense of hopelessness, where one wrestles with an infatuation; for it appears as unreasonable to take away from a person the very faith in which he or she finds strength, especially, if the person doing the taking is firmly rooted in a sense of nothingness. However, we speak to an ideal, where it is not the case that the faith in question is presenting harm to the one of faith or others. In the case of faith being an integral part of humanity, this appears evident in one’s everyday life. We are born exhibiting faith in the ones that we are entrusted to, and this is a natural faith, pursued instinctively. On another note, to accomplish any given task for the first time comes with an element of enacted faith. These are accounts where we are with need to speak about faith where a deity is experienced. Take the following for example: A young lady believes in a deity as Lord over all of creation. She meditates for weeks upon the majesty of this deity. Her heart is open, and filled with devotion. On the third day of the fourth week she has an unusual experience, where an explosion within comes upon her, followed by a small warming sensation, which intensifies throughout her entire body, lasting for several minutes, which is then followed by a warm vibration in her chest area (heart), lasting for the remainder of the day. She enjoys the experience, only to repeat the ritual, and attain similar results, intensifying with time. One may be inclined to rearrange her thoughts about her experiences, where something subjective has become objective for the young lady in question. What is this need to override spiritual experiences? It comes out of fear, history, and a need to control. I vie for a space for tolerance, a need to experience more than perceptions. I wrestle for a sense of intoxication, a heart pounding with thunder, followed by overwhelming warmth, and a sense of spiritual comfort. One may ask, “At what cost?” It is not for cost that we hassle, for love is faith, and faith is love. Indeed, I speak to an ideal in which many are living their lives. In its splendor, faith, belief, and spiritual experience enhances one’s sense of purpose, want for aiding others, and one’s love for humanity. Faith is a universe, a forest of mystical trees, and strength employed to churn the mechanics of sorrow. In its beauty, faith is a vehicle through which we flit and fly and experience elements of a universal self that are often neglected. There is more than what has been created. There is a universe within that must be explored; else, we perish at the will of a person within a person. 

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...