Monday, June 29, 2015


I don’t wish to utter it,
this thing about heaviness.

torn to measure moments,
studying milieus, quasi-
listening for me.

Upon a cusp, tottering east
to west, looking for a

Malaise takes refuge
a temple, trespassing brooks.
Such a shadow, hovering a
countenance, immortalized
in prose.

It’s a fever’s opposite,
somewhere low, hiding from

I give life a gift. Such insights, screaming for freedom, ever
alive with motion. So mourn a smile, searching for sorrow,
entities working overtime. I captured glimpses of what
was sought, favored by unfavorable dialogues. Something
empyreal is living, a temblor chastising ghosts. I heard
resounding waves, printing a soul, in need of one true
voice. Love is so quilted, layered in psyches, an exotic opus.
It’s intimate with pain, ever rooted in its opposite. What is
holiness without sin, or sin without forgiveness? Life
comes in pairs, where highs compliment lows, unequal

Silence would have destroyed us. So young, experiencing
adult complications. Our tumble containing majesty,
wrestling an opposite. It’s a mirror harboring terrors, where
a mind whispers, “Hell.” Yes. Here’s a halo, trekking a
deep abyss, as sublime as ripples in a thought. What have I
sorely affected, drawing tiaras?  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...