Monday, July 22, 2024

Silent Sound


The cathedral is silent. Interior dimness. 

Life is more than repeats. More than 

Redundancy. What is it? a dream in a 

Dream? Moving like snails, eager 

To make motion. Greeted by 

Mayflies. Wrestling Descartes. Tugging horns.

By gray terrain, soreness and storm,

Making illusion. Surely, it wasn’t by 

Verdant earth, tolerant of absence. They 

Could have given hell—more color. 

Never as it became. Never as it whispers. 

The room is loud. Exterior spirits. To 

Wish for it—alike to a child; to arrive at

Parts of a classical film.  

In Exchange for Enlightenment

  We need extraordinary verses.  Trying to keep up with it. Gelid miles,  cogent walls. A fever at times, said  distant at moments. So much ...