Saturday, June 18, 2022

Is The Feeling Evidential?


Rummaging interior—purposed to exist—most memorized inside. The haul is the wave; excellence would prevail; the skies are tender.

In memory to come to you. You exhaust impermanence. You are cadence.

Upon a spark—into a canyon—hiking the vatic trail; so much a hawk, an eagle, a falcon—fierce at the chase, vying for perfection, most dreams are empty.

Unbeknownst to senses, a remarkable structure, chiseled ice, frozen fire—made emphatic by senses—unable to locate the source.

It was all for honor—for you—for the deep scar preventing excellence; those nights upon a star, memory activated, soaring where we dwell;

patient to endure interior, a love for something made common, something unkempt at times:

by lotic waters, aside river banks, eyes filled with dahlias—to possess no more than the feeling.  

Unsilence Rising

    In discussion of a dream, certain cosmos, we spoke of nothingness; between spheres, desperate to fathom life, haunted by miscalculation....