Monday, June 3, 2024

Incautious Causality



Sometimes the feeling is good. At turnpikes, the feeling is painful. 

In crossing paths, feeling certain—such tender astrology—fraught by omens, so alone with a gentle palm.

I renege on a feeling, harassed by phantasm, listening to an inner prankster.

Souls permeate anxieties, spellbound over love, knitted to angst—so 


lost over cadence, with dissent so close

—broken ranks. 

Nobody knows when love is creative—slow paced, over sand dunes, meshed into mind mazes, pampering a sandcastle. 

To Give is to Receive

    I tell myself to keep it simple. I believe Love mastered this. A level closer, suffering at those gates. Head to chest. Pen to hands. In...