Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Skies Are Pleased


its value in a feeling, the killing of its soul, a pirate with a mirror.

fretting absence, forgotten in time, so enlove—it’s unrequited … the angst we must endure

as humans, as spirits, to need so much—it will never be fruits.

the premise is desolation, the pillars are isolation, the meat is undue yearning … maybe with reason, a feeling finding a feral creature, an undecided death, the breath of solace.

major paradox:

in suffering I find myself; in danger, I see my seas; in a location, afar the spin, stars align in anguish … dripping spirit-fluid, damaged in strife, accursed, with a big brimming smile.

just need to believe, just need to undo stoicism, just need to do nothing …

the feeling is an obsession, it screams to keep distance, it laughs at private fantasies.

hang a wreath, stitch “Pain” atop it, tell me the sun is angry. tell me I haven’t felt it yet. tell me the skies are pleased with sorrow.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...