Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Seven Mirrors/Five Graces

We capture but glimpses, running forests’ fires, fevered through calmness; this aching soul, where diamonds peak, at heights this terrible confusion; while sifting reigns, this casual torment, less than three feet that psych; as burning brains, plus, leaking mucus, our wounds threshing mysteries: that wretched cadence; that absent intensity; those bails bottled in turmoil; to fetch after fetching, this illusive chaos, seated, pitted by epiphanies; as chanced our palms, that florid attitude, sprouting nexus that private thought; where nights are plaids, this board of checkers, while void of gray whispers—this space maddening, this cloth as daftness, our souls as abandoned—if morbid his mind, this vex of compassion, so close to utter disgust—as oh that feeling, as opposite of feelings, that simultaneous feeling—as imagined his life, but texture our sameness, as color confuses normality. I sit indebted, as never to speak it, at wonders for intensions; (that is), Was it meant for goodness, or a product of temperament—this chase through nights, our furious tempers, as sighted that first glance; to chance midnight, seeping into cellos, at course a violent diatribe—while shook our brains, to unravel dynasties, peering at discomfort but an aura. It comes to punish, to arrange his life, while taking for giving something lost. It appears as riddle, slanted by disease, where a second of clarity points to jagged mirrors—that thought we stole, as forsaking fantasies, while running like thieves from reality: that blanket definition; that indelible chart; our mercies at chaos aloof to normality; so label me anything, but never that ghost, as subject to a hosts of strangers—or more to Magog, slipping through Gog, a territory of file impressions—as sensing confusion, accused by breath, as mother lived steeped in black magic—this tragic reality, to meet those eyes, a year for airing out dirty laundry: that fabulous cry, so lost for greeting, at peace we die that train’s return: as envisioned terror, gnawing wormwood, flitting as scudding as flying—to flee this pit, our patient retrievals, at wonders this terrible art. I gained infection, while losing a soul, at times, a hideous upheaval—that courtside salute, as tragic that math, this chase through city meadows—to find with essence, this clash of brains, or more, this clash or personas—as livid mysteries, or mental lagoons, as surging this life that muddy attraction—if cursed his heart, than cursed her soul, appalled by wicked affections: that beast of wiles, as cornered in paucity, a fleet of souls outwitting souls. 

I return to spaces, as furious jumping-jacks, or more this rain as tick-tack-toe—to find for solace, this ache of solace, stationed as a stale persona—or more a calm fool, instead of that flux, where personas dial through gestures;—this person of training, those brown ocean eyes, as hidden in turquoise rain-beams—where souls perish, if but to live, again for lost this new battle!

We idle in madness; we surface as stallions; our days congested with feelings—as singing eternity, or bleeding fleetness, to have known such a glorious perspective—that welkin dream, whereas, to lose effects, while screaming into a new person—those reaped analyses, that rope unthreaded, our cries to something of more importance. 

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...