Wednesday, June 15, 2016

As to Decode Illusions

We say it in silence, this thing of chances, alert towards forgiveness; to be granted this life, as something reluctant, as something cherished; where most omit it, as to hold to death, our necks stiff with envy. We must avail, else for troubles, as far reaching as Africa; where children worship, while fathers perish, where mothers sacrifice hearts. Our souls are numbness, featured as Warlocks, conversing with Mystic Wiccans; to convert to Lights, this three in one, where remnants operate as spirits. It’s never freedom, from this grand illusion, as culling out such realities; to have this vision, this marvelous woman, walking the seven seas; wherewith, are virtues, a star as a dream, feathered in sorrows; as gripped in holiness, this glow of farewells, this inner jettison; to forgive a stranger, prior to a love one, for the stranger offers promise. Oh for heaven’s path, steeped in silken darkness, alive as if barely insane; the trickles of infusion, as our Mystic at a desk, alert to maintaining composure.     I deviate.     Are we there—drenched in realities, a product of mother’s illness; to have for death, this melodic grief, as baked in father’s psyche. I saw this woman, as a grandiose countenance, to see this woman, as a psychotic feature. It’s coming in segments, to have a friend—this one to comfort stages. I know of truth—this thing of souls, to see it in a mirror. We seem so large, gifted in mania, if only to emit intelligence. I thank the psychs, for such exhibition, to forewarn through animation; this thing of tables, where forgiveness wanes, from those so far the mountain.     I return.     I wanted forgiveness, for something so gray, to realize it belongs to nature; so why for death;—this need to feel, as if wrong for rightness? I must explain, as deep the scar, embedded in genetics; so why such pain, where medicine lives, as a viable force? I ask with purpose, to jog our wits, despite the myriad of infractions; for I’m not at fault, to have lived a bruise, where insights prove dramatic. It’s a tragic field, where hell is law, and one must cringe his life; as born to illness, destined to live this life, where God is a palm-print away. I sip to ponder, the longest love, ten tiers above sanity; where art is life, to imbue a swan, but death has taking the hem; as such to invoke, the spirit of Thecla, if only to ignite the spirits of fey.     I deviate.     I couldn’t forget;—this crossing of roads, as one to see his future; where Love was bold and fearless, adrift a scar, as benefiting the arts; albeit, for love, I’ve moved from love, to embrace this mystic passion. It mustn’t be life, and it must be life—this grand piano—this harp of dreams—this brief vacation.    

Strumming a Harp

By language we speak to audibility and coherence. To compose to feel understood, in spite of language applied. A person spends years misunde...