Wednesday, March 30, 2016

But a Fraction of Heart-tales

We touch gravel in Spirit, the breath of a hearthole craving, to see this death, the width of life, where a seed must perish. His face shall change—the girth of whirlwinds, a pebble in the rivers; where tides blend, a reckless churn, the terns of infinity. I died this love, and that unaware, to lose eternity; and cried that wake, piercing into graves, the bones of his skeleton; wherefore is magic, the graphic heartbeat, to rattle the cages. I feel her—the measure of sifting through wines, the challenge of our days; to pull the concrete, and drill for motion, an art taken for granted. It was tears insanely, to approach the well-less, where the trench was flooded, and thus I ask for pardons, for flagrant infractions, where love was misappropriated; and dance these skies, the inverted clouds, a cherubim soaring; to fraction life, the width of her groans, and moaning in agony; but how to touch, a brimming dam, that closer to fortifying destruction? Was it a moment, to lengthen days, where gray became black and white?—for I knew an addict, with deep aversion, to cherish her very breath; and I knew a woman, the likes of mother, to crave her very soul; where the nights were burdened, and the pains were special, to usher a wealth of pressures; for love was torn, a miscalculation, an aberrant of affairs; to surf the desert, while standing in stillness, the measure of warm hearts. We love in kind, our mirrors' reflection, to stumble about the forest; and why for us, the count of leaves, to travel each vein? I give us life—the angst of love, twelve years nigh perfection; to sit is anguish, that close to bliss, this pulling of souls; and weave this art, the heart to wheeze, the breeze of her gaze.       

Immemorial times those feelings affected by lusts.

    It rarely falls as it should. In forcing syntax, one dies. So precedented; one dream those days, and nerves were fretting. Affected by l...