once it’s real—this inner secrecy, respected upon tables; where privacy leaks,
a source of passion, to ink our names; the madness of it, shifted through
space, to land the golden trestle; in which is life, for finally free, a screen
at a cinema; where utterance gives, a wealth of feedback, to watch us as we play
pretend; and oh the stress-pack, to permeate a gut, to scream the corners;
where hell is motive, to clear debris, as bold as hesitation.
spoken vaguely, the light of infinity, scraping and scrolling manuscripts; to
shift the sadness, this feeling of permanence, to know impermanence; and
woebegone, the thriving soul, a pitcher of sulfur; so how for claims, to utter
change, to vision a sore return; indeed the magic, to break away, if only but a
moment; but still the permanence, despite the vacations, as brief as a tuna
salad; where pain breaks free, to speak the language, of wailing castles.