Thursday, February 11, 2016

To Force through Feelings

At once it’s real—this inner secrecy, respected upon tables; where privacy leaks, a source of passion, to ink our names; the madness of it, shifted through space, to land the golden trestle; in which is life, for finally free, a screen at a cinema; where utterance gives, a wealth of feedback, to watch us as we play pretend; and oh the stress-pack, to permeate a gut, to scream the corners; where hell is motive, to clear debris, as bold as hesitation.

I’ve spoken vaguely, the light of infinity, scraping and scrolling manuscripts; to shift the sadness, this feeling of permanence, to know impermanence; and woebegone, the thriving soul, a pitcher of sulfur; so how for claims, to utter change, to vision a sore return; indeed the magic, to break away, if only but a moment; but still the permanence, despite the vacations, as brief as a tuna salad; where pain breaks free, to speak the language, of wailing castles.

I speak to swans, both great and young, a series of complications; to perish and live, to notice the seldom, as alive as moments; where heaven is brief, a forward chase, to catch a net of mercy; in which is art, the script of life, a fraction of our mission; and indeed the light, falling to achieve, the opposite of expectation. I hope she breathes—fully satiated, enlove with decisions; else for pain, a dead position, for those that never change; while worlds suffer, the pain of the changeless, staring at future diamonds; so more to life, the strife of motion, to feel it and grow forwardly.     

Immemorial times those feelings affected by lusts.

    It rarely falls as it should. In forcing syntax, one dies. So precedented; one dream those days, and nerves were fretting. Affected by l...