the majesty of functions, even the grandness, to operate in silence; I give us
more, to measure the contours, that closer to epiphanies; to remain a mystery,
for some unfiltered, to agitate rivers. We chime like sages, to maintain
distance, something akin to suns; where a trance is blank, induced through
persons, to transform a countenance; and still for stern, to watch this life,
as intent as owls; in which the sights—are recorded in souls, to seep into
consciousness. The world is partial,
to certain energies, to favor determination; where drives are inward, and morph
outwardly, to sail the hidden chambers.
We encounter pains, to direct energies, and sit in silence; to witness
activity, soaring upon thoughts, to touch an ancestor. We
rarely see it; this grand capacity, to reach souls; we merely know it—through subtle
clues, through the privacy of channels; that public heartbeat, wrapped in
spirit, to morph with chi. I give us
more, to grieve the silence, to befriend the limits; where the edge is light,
to further retreats, to embark once again.
It mustn’t be, the rift of souls, to lose such grandness; but this is
design, for stricken souls, the measure of miracles; where ritual swarms—the
here for now, to meet kindred souls; to find a thread, that ushers the nights,
to finally take the stage; in which to see, the blend of cultures, situated
around meaning. I give us more—to wish for comforts—while
the soul is enlarged; where experience is love, to tap a reservoir, to nearly
return—and chasing the lights, to mold for futures, the passions of the Greats;
that inner pulse, to crave the mountains, to chisel the caves; indeed, the
mindwaves, to flood the heartcaves, to fountain the soulcaves!
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Soulcaves Unspoken
Immemorial times those feelings affected by lusts.
It rarely falls as it should. In forcing syntax, one dies. So precedented; one dream those days, and nerves were fretting. Affected by l...
It took anxiety to utter affection; soundness by decision, to wander into a soul, to knit excellence; vow of one heart, love as cushion, e...
By language we speak to audibility and coherence. To compose to feel understood, in spite of language applied. A person spends years misunde...