We approach love with vibrations. We laugh, giggle, and cry love. I must be elusive, a radical curse, to enjoy hearing your name. If to foresee love, as she lives, so hectic, so clear, over teas and
crumpets. I imagine love, to get through mazes, in sensing—it comes by gambling. Those exquisite hands, delicate fingers, to date a man in his lunacy. O different graces, loud beauty, and running to
you—alike to leopards and cheetahs. Moving motion. Hurting happiness. So great a thinning line. To hear in temperament—some far away island, in holding temple, keeping vigilance, assuming it’s a myth. We use each other. I for prose; and you for the philosophic; both projecting depressions.
I picture wildness of souls, so many ways to lose, we never ponder loses; abandoned to trying to live. Such changing properties, allusions by seas, philosophic insanity. I need you; in need it was desperation; you needed me to possess such desperation. So emphatic for love, one kiss so
cathartic, one life, three dynasties. Accursed to live one silent climax. Asking about you. Searching the town centers. Encouraged to advance into the city. Searching crevices. Laughing with
townsmen. Negotiating. Bartering. If to find you. So aggregate; to change life, in hopes of impressing you. Waiting diligently. So many fragments; to see and deign to love.