Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Unto a Last Breath


I needn’t explain resonance. So uncaged, so restricted, so caged. Life requires patience. And adoring is by challenge. Whatsoever it becomes, pluvial downfalls, moving nonetheless. With gems, rhinestones and diamonds—to arise in your favor, to accredit those heights, assumed with peace, so much taken for granted. By a lasting celebration, such vacancy, to have died with grace, to have loved in pain. 

I believe in miracles. I understand harder waves. Flames made madness. 

Love is a promise. There must be a way. I approach life this way. In strength to realize a weakness. In reality to sense unreality. 

She’s strong. Something probes me. To instruct for a long battle.

Or a curse, damnation of soul, generational travesties. 

Inner prophecy, let it remain untrue.

Tranquil feelings, cosmic affectation, so great the hand feeding me; I’m in, ten toes grieving.  

The Psychology of Love

  I remeasure a fact, love must always be rekindled. Such a simple assertion, enwoven with time. Most prominent brow. Neither sad nor happy....