Saturday, April 22, 2023

Untie The Fog


Upon a boat. Into seas. Nursing a shoreline.

Noisy silence. Aches in pains. A soul was born.

Breaking water. Cleansing time. Facing

History. Beseeching mirrors, if to appear twice.

Longer rivers. Deeper memories. To ask for

Baptism, to deny experience,

Fueled by chastisements, science is

Whelming. Bosky meadows—traipsing mystics.

Greensward landscapes. Opalescent horizon.

Falling into dreams. Inly sleet, snow, ice,

Breakage. It must be appropriate—wordings.

Plash at times. Right at an ear. To see image,

Subtraction, light memory.

Plumbless depth. By a gorgeous soul.

Fraught by agonies. Moving through fields.

To have unlocked inside—sheer hell!

Needing what one is, what one possesses,

Self-effaced, weeping with smiles.

Star-crossed. Pushed. Cultural warfare.

Cultural history. Cultural science.

Cultural depression.

Banshees at cultures. Life in caves. Seeking

What requires submission.    

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...