Sunday, March 5, 2023

Two Become Identity


I’ve loved a silent agony with

irony making sadness. I’ve adored

a smile as made precious keeping with

fantasy. At segue, squinting at gnats,


ignoring self-facing identity.

I’ve laughed at self, embarrassed on ice,

living some dynasty—craving reality,

passing her by, atwitter, thus, nervous,

moving unto graces; a destined child,


introduced to irony, knowing men

are building a church; by disastrous

underpinnings, sorting through underbrush,

trying to unlock, decipher, reel in

ecstasy. A man will adore without


investigation—only once in life,

hoping it goes swimmingly. I’ve desired

innocence, potential snake, faithful to

a dear image—wrangling with professors,

denied before asking, with others feeling


dreary, thus, imposing upon dreams. Many

a sickle to literature—many a thief

of astronomy, left to face a stream.

I would analyze a mistake, wondering

as I wandered, deciding it was meant in




    The strength to withstand the winds; a spell as it effects/affects some creature. A sudden moment filled with absolute certainty, so wro...