Friday, January 13, 2023

Feathers & Fledglings


Dice tickling concrete. Fathers with necessities. A euphemism for drugs and liquor.

In dealings, a uniform to heart, he dies to get respect—the juvenile with issues.

Falling into love, what we call addiction, tucked into its demon.

I would see her, to dream her, never to know her;

Pain with song, as she drifts regions, its misery to need beyond redemption.

Never came back. I felt it in soul. Like I lost a chunk of myself.

That innocent soul, taking it in wisely, a kid knocking on a coconut.

Lost virginity. Never owned it. Where do we go from losing?

So sacred it seems, treated with disdain, to love and win!

I would envy spirits, trying to have spirit, elements in stars, dreams in scars, and trying to adore.

It was death when granny died. The glue to the problem. Mother emptied her account.

Bankrupt, acting rich, eating 50$ burgers. I laugh!

The Psychology of Love

  I remeasure a fact, love must always be rekindled. Such a simple assertion, enwoven with time. Most prominent brow. Neither sad nor happy....