Thursday, November 17, 2022

Reality Is Beyond Full Verification


It isn’t love, while it’s more the love, watching spirit, as it grows wildly. And a lady in the shadows, seeing it all, wondering what he’s done now. Those lines are thin, the lakes are casual, fate needs itself. So great its wilderness. So threatened by itself. So loose in its design. Fate, as crystalized, topaz minerals, gold and ghosts, forever in disfavor, nothing to mix, pure reality, made evil.

If a soul tries, the soul is being controlling. What have we to see?

So Beleaguered so Baffled, It’s made easier. While necessary to trick one’s mind. Else, greater winters, greater emphases on dust, the grit of matter is life.

Into a mental dimension, a bungalow, filled with false glamour—what has reality to offer? Stability. Pain. Art.        

Strumming a Harp

By language we speak to audibility and coherence. To compose to feel understood, in spite of language applied. A person spends years misunde...