Thursday, September 8, 2022

I Read a Great Poem That Day


The poem followed rules, to a mastery, thus, much celebration. I desired it to lash out, to un-satchel, to die and resurrect—yes! like the author of Christianity: I desired much of a simple, complex poem—with angry potentiality. I imagine more as an entrée, minds needing conversion, old and restored Plymouths, sparkling Oldsmobile(s), a day meant for mourning a great poem.     I say it was motion, tolerant, sassy, edgy, and sentimental—by poetic rules, 10 syllables, 11 syllables—all the way down the page.     I must have gasped on account—the air-warn seas, those imaginary rites in skies, like a magnet to a resistant magnet—while it remains in control. So neat a poem. I desired to read more: The discombobulated universe, The whales most study—unaware of proximity, The doctors we trust, Better, The reasons we adore in hope of being painted.     

Effervescent Waters

  The maze of an interior thought. The gown upon emotion. Sun signs; moonlit. Feeling aged. With something looming. I wonder if aches are we...