Friday, August 26, 2022

Is Objectivity Partially At Rest?


Each is by debate—scaling consciousness, analyzing improbability. So much to trust reality, as if knowing reality, as opposed to one grand illusion. Adoring souls—measured by credibility, heaving up time; much is by distaste, disaster, dysfunction—as products of humanity—learning as we yield more mistakes—the errors of adults, moved by emotion, the claim is pure analytics. By observation, deeper in a trance, to see energies in cosmic justice; the field unyielding, regardless of facts, in pains to understand raw circumstance, plus, participation—souls continue to undo. In finding one’s wits, furthering the emptiness, as loved by spirits—so balanced between impetus and mentalism, first cause and results, nor were others, objective in respects. When caring for a person, one desires the best in that person, otherwise, one desires nothing.  

Immemorial times those feelings affected by lusts.

    It rarely falls as it should. In forcing syntax, one dies. So precedented; one dream those days, and nerves were fretting. Affected by l...