Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Non-Responsive Mirrors


Concentration throughout the cosmos—extended selves, sore involved, undercut, flowing light. If thought is similar the gravity made heavy, assumed as true—the cage inside, the broken bars the bold beautiful spirits. Couldn’t escape it. Couldn’t see it. I just sensed the loss, the leniency, the essence blowing in the breeze. More ashes, rolled mud, like living was possible—the culture of the cat, the nature of the dog, the hassle of the sage. Amazed to have been there, with blueberries growing, made purple and blue; frozen over, like glaciers, looking at the same paragraph; shocked by philosophies, rereading sentences, looking at structure; the man walking, is the man sitting, the final resting is the coffin. I just sensed the loss, to see it in atmosphere, while neither reckoned fully with time. The soul made hectic, the hills howling, the want that never comes to fruition. The agitation!   

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...