Monday, January 4, 2016

We play a silent guitar that the world is listening to.

This feeling—of vague sadness: hovering; featured in eyes, an unexpressed wound.
There’s presence—a befogged mind, to retrace thoughts. Wherefrom, this haze, a
petal in a storm, sifting through anxiety?

I awoke—groggy; this heavy feeling, cultured in its essence. The routine is familiar: light a cigar, sip coffee, while practicing, No thoughts. They creep in, the value of solicitudes, to exile a sense of calmness. I fish for it; this core need; to scribble the music’s life. This thing: the bringing of comfort, where chaos swarms, castled on a chessboard. It’s befitting to pray: an intrapsychical chi, to stir emotion, to rev an inner sense of self.     Mother was inhumed: to seek for liaisons, founded in substances, somewhat staunch through addictions.     I find a trait, a want for ruby wines: sheer negligence on my part.     There’s a mental foray that one must avoid. It leads to distress, an inner warzone, the brains Gestapo; but I’m practicing, No thoughts: an intricate legacy, to listen to tidbits from winds.     It’s akin to semiotics, the study of signs, a jinni as a puppeteer; where manna is insights, an amulet on a thought, an inner renaissance.     It’s a penchant cycle; this strong liking, for a process found delicate. Its entelechy, something stationed in realization, as opposed to potential. I’m found here; as snug as squirming, scraping mire—through worlds of marsh; whereat are mayflies, to shed for essence, a torn freedom through disaster.     Through mimicry—the finding of intensity—as conscious as cheetahs—where pain morphs into art; piercing horizontal lines, pointing at mind shifts, alive through cycles! 

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...